Welcome to my very plain Video Tape / DVD Library webpage. I collect many things, so if you don't see something you have on my want list - e-mail me what you have, prehaps we can swing a trade!
The number preceeding the item on the tape, or in brackets after the event is simply my tape number in my library.
Send an e-mail to me at : rick@rickstv.comRick Ambrozic copyright 2003
• I trade on a "time for time" basis. Six hours from you gets six hours
from me
• I use brand name DVDs and expect the same in return.
• I'm up front about quality of recordings. I will let you know if there
are any
problems with a particular item and let you choose something else if need be
before it's sent out. Please do the same. The lists will
make note of any issues in quality.
• I can pretty much finish any trade within two weeks.... probably sooner and
send it out by then (unless I state otherwise).
I do not claim ownership to any of the programs I am trading. Trading is done
strictly for hobby.
Back to Rick's TV http://www.rickstv.com/midsouth
christine, Seeing Things, TVO, Night Heat Stuper BowlShopping Bags Sugar